Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语: Present Perfect, Present Perfect Progressive
读者 Jerry 寄电邮来问以下两句有何不同:
1. I have lived here for ten years.
2. I have been living here for ten years.
Jerry 问的是 present perfect 和 present perfect continuous(或 present perfect progressive)的分别。这两个时态均标示一些在过去开始而又一直延续到现在,刚刚结束或持续下去的事情。例如:
I have waited for a chance to win the Mark Six lottery for years.
I have been waiting for a chance to win the Mark Six lottery for years.
但遇上 live 这样的字,两个时态所表示的意思就差不多完全一样了。I have lived here for ten years 不代表说话的人即将搬屋,或者快要离开,只不过是说在此地居住已有十年。类似的动词还有 work、play 等。
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