Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语: In front of, In the front of
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Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语: In front of, In the front of

读者 Tiny 来电邮问:in front of 和 in the front of 有什么分别?

In front of 是说一件对象的位置在另一件的前面,例如:

The cat is lying in front of the dog.(小猫在小狗的前面躺着。)

In the front of 是说一件物件在另一件的前头部分。譬如说:工人来修理家里的电灯,问:

Where is the main switch?(电路的总开关在哪里?)

主人回答:In the front of the house.(在屋子的前头。)

要注意:在对象的前头部分是 in the front of,在后头的部分是 in the back of。香港的豪宅,佣人房大多接近后门,我们可以说:

The maid's room is in the back of the house.

In the back of 千万别说成 in the behind of,否则会闹笑话,因为俚语的 behind 有别的意思,指人的屁股。

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