来源:易贤网 阅读:905 次 日期:2017-08-25 09:32:31

A:Terrible. How about people's lives?太可怕了。人们的生命怎么样?

B:Fortunately, there is no person died.幸运的是没有人死亡。

A:That's great. It seems that Typhoon is not as bad as earthquake.太好了。看上去台风没有地震可怕。

B:Yeah. Earthquake is one of the most badly natural disasters in the world.是啊,地震是地球上最具毁灭性的自然灾害之一。

A:That's why many people died in the earthquake.难怪很多人都在地震中丧生了。

B:Well, China is located on the Eurasia plate, where earthquakes happen frequently due to the earth's plates knocking against each other.嗯,中国处于亚欧板块,这是板块容易互相撞击的地区,因此地震活动频繁。

A:Oh, China does have been plagued by numerous destructive earthquakes during its long history.噢,在悠久的历史中,中国的确遭受了许多破坏性的大地霹。

B:Yeah, we've experienced the 8.0 magnitude earthquake in Wenchuan.是啊,我们就经历了汶川8.0级大地震。

A:We're all familiar with natural disasters. but we still feel weak when we face Wenchuan earthquake.我们对自然灾害并不陌生,但是当我们面对汶川地震时,仍然感觉很脆弱。

B:Right. But people at that time only know two words, "save" and "assistance",they will never don't lift a finger. Life is the most important compared with anything else.对。但是那个时候人们只知道两个词,“救”与“缘”,他们绝对不会袖手旁观。和其余的比起来,生命才是最重要的。

A:That's the point. Love among human beings is not limited by geography.有道理。大爱无疆啊。

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