生活口语:这条裙子不能退货只能更换 After-sale service
来源:易贤网 阅读:664 次 日期:2017-06-30 09:29:42
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A:Can I help you?有什么需要帮忙的吗?

B:Yes, I have a complaint to make.恩,我有点意见。

A:What's the problem?有什么问题吗?

B:I bought this skirt in your store last week. What a famous brand is that! The stitches are coming off. Anyway, I'd like to ask for a refund for this skirt.上周我在你们店里买了这条 裙子。这是什么名牌啊!线头都松了!不管怎么说,我想要退货。

A:I'm sorry. They are not refundable. But we can exchange it for you, OK?对不起,它们是不能退的。 但我们可以给您换一条,行吗?


A:Wait for a moment. I think we have another one…Here you go.稍等一下。我想我们还有 一件……这就是。

B:But this one is blue. Mine is red.但这条是蓝色的。我的是红 色的。

A:Sorry, lady. This is the only one we've got now. How about we fix it up for you?对不起,小姐。我们现在 只剩这件了。我们帮您补一下怎么样?

B:That's certainly good. When will it be ready?那好啊。什么时候能补好?

A:It will be ready tomorrow.明天就能补好。

B:That's quick.那挺快的。

A:Come along then and bring this receipt with you. And I am afraid we've gonna have to charge you 20 for that.那到时候来吧,把这张发 票带上。恐怕这一次我们得收您20块钱。


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