超人的象征 The Symbol of Superman
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Superman is famous around the world, it is a cartoon character. Since Superman was created, it got popular by the teenagers soon. Many movies about this man have been brought to the screen, his courage and love story attract so many audience. Actually, Superman is the ideal character that stands for American imagine.


Superman is the symbol of courage. In the cartoon series, superman carries out all kinds of hard tasks, and he never gives up. Though he has doubted himself for some time, he finds himself back and continues to do his duties. He dares to do the most dangerous job, just to protect people.


Superman is also the symbol of justice. In the books, there are a lot of bad guys who are trying to destroy the world. In order to keep the world’s order, Superman fights against the bad guys and keeps the world in peace. Thanks to Superman, the bad guys are brought to justice and stay away from people.


Superman has become part of American culture. The good imagine brings the positive effect to the children. The symbol of Superman is deep in people’s heart.


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