简单生活开始新的一天:John Mayer - New Deep
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John Mayer -- New Deep

I'm so alive

I'm so enlightened

I can barely survive

A night in my mind

I've got a plan

I'm gonna find out just how boring I am

And have a good time

Cause ever since I tried

Trying not to find

Every little meaning in my life

It's been fine

I've been cool

With my new golden rule

Numb is the new deep

Done with the old me

And talk is the same cheap it's been

Is there a God?

Why is he waiting?

Don't you think of it odd

When he knows my address?

And look at the stars

Don't it remind you just how feeble we are?

Well it used to, I guess

Cause ever since I tried

Trying not to find

Every little meaning in my life

It's been fine

I've been cool

With my new golden rule

Numb is the new deep

Done with the old me

And talk is the same cheap it's been

I'm a new man

I wear a new cologne and

You wouldn't know me if your eyes were closed

I know what you'll say

'This won't last longer than the rest of the day'

But you're wrong this time

Numb is the new deep

Done with the old me

I'm over the analyzing


Stop trying to figure it out

Deep will only bring you down

You know, I used to be the back porch poet with a book of rhymes

Always open knowing all the time I'm probably

Never gonna find the perfect rhyme

For 'heavier things'

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