城际高铁 intercity high-speed rail D字头动车 high-speed trains/bullet train G字头高铁 high-speed rails 高铁“刹车” hit the brakes
春运 Spring Festival travel rush
网上订票 online booking service system
C字头城际 inter-city trains
城际高铁 intercity high-speed rail
D字头动车 high-speed trains/bullet train
G字头高铁 high-speed rails
高铁“刹车” hit the brakes
K字头快速 fast trains
T字头特快 express trains
Z字头直达 non-stop trains
轻轨列车 light rail train
火车票预售期 pre-sale period
实名制购票 real-name purchasing system
高姐 high-speed train attendant
列车员/乘务员 Train attendant
试运行 trial operation/run
豪华座 luxury train seats
普通座 standard seat
硬卧 hard sleeper
上座率 seat occupancy rate
临客 temporary train
临时停车 temporary stop