口语入门:关于员工培训 About Staff Training
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A:Oh Gush! The first day of my career is over. I can not breathe now after dealing with so many documents. But I heard the notice that our company will hold two-week staff training.


B:Stop fussing! It is said that the training is important for our newcomers. And my company also informs me to attend the training next week.


A:But for me, the training is waste of my precious time.


B:I disagree with you. Companies usually make a workable and reasonable plan for the trainings, so as to improve new comers' understanding of the company and its rules in short time. Through the training, we get to know many things, such as the corporate culture and spirit. Our newcomers can really grasp the essence of the company

我不赞同你的说法。公司通常都会制订比较可行而且切合实际的培训计划,这样才能在短时间内提高新员工对公司和公司制度的认识。通过培训,我们会了解到许多, 诸如企业文化和精神,这样新员工才能抓住公司的精华啊!

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