口语入门:你在哪里遇到他的? Where did you meet him?
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A:Well, you know what, don’t do it, ‘cause the minute you do, they lose all respect for you.

B:Well, it’s not like that. We just e-mail, it’s really nothing. On top of which I am definitely thinking about stopping because it’s getting…

A:Out of hand.

B:Confusing. But not, because it’s nothing.

A:Where did you meet him?

B:Oh, listen, I can’t even remember. Ok, on my birthday, I wandered into over 30 rooms, for a joke, sort of and he was there, and we started chatting…

A:About what?

B:Oh, books, and music, how much we both love New York. Harmless, harmless, meaningless. Bouquets of sharpened pencils. Oh.

A:Excuse me?

B:Forget it. We don’t talk about anything personal, so I don’t know his name or what he does or where he lives exactly. So it’ll be really easy for me to stop seeing him, because I’m not…

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