口语入门:圣诞节快乐 Merry Christmas
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A:Merry Christmas!圣诞快乐!


A:I said Merry Christmas! Don't you know that Christmas is almost here?我说圣诞快乐!难道你不知道圣诞节快到了吗?

B:It is? Oh, that's nice.是吗?哦,太好了。

A:Huh? Didn't you know? Aren't you excited?嗯?你难道不知道?难道你不兴奋?

B:Actually, I'd forgotten about it.我真的忘记了。

A:Forgotten about it? How could you?忘记了?你怎能忘记了?

B:Because I'm not Christian, I'm Jewish.因为我不是基督教徒,我是犹太人。

A:Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know.哦,对不起,我不知道。

B:It's all right. There are so many Christians in America that everybody takes it for granted that I'm Christian.没关系。美国有这么多的基督教徒以致人人都认为我也是一个基督教徒。

A:I guess so. So what do you do around this time of year?我想是这样。那么每年这个时候你都在做什么?

B:Well, I'll celebrate Hanukah soon, but that's not as important to us as Christmas is to you. Mainly I'll just enjoy the holiday break.唔,不久我要庆祝光明节,但是光明节对我们来说没有圣诞节对你们那样重要。我主要是好好享受这段假期。

A:Well, would you be horribly offended if I invited you to a Christmas party at my house?唔,如果我邀请你来我家参加圣诞聚会,你会很生气吗?

B:Not at all. A party is a party. I'll be happy to come.一点也不。聚会是聚会。我会很高兴来参加。

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