来源:易贤网 阅读:742 次 日期:2017-04-24 09:45:49


Wendi: OK, so I wanna ask you who you think is the best player of all time.

Ken: All time?

Wendi: Basketball player.

Ken: Basketball player of all time? Well, that's a no-brainer. It's Michael Jordan. No one even comes close to what he's been doing, or what he did. He's one, what six, five, no five MVPs, six championships, scoring titles every year in the league. He makes his teammates better. By far the best player to ever play the game.

Wendi: I wanna know who is the, kind of, strongest player right now that you could see filling Michael Jordan's shoes.

Ken: If you've been watching the NBA recently, you've probably heard the name LeBron James. He's probably like 21 right now, but he's already dominating the league. He takes a team and he's carried them to the playoffs, like it's just him, no one else on the team's good. He's done very well for himself.

Wendi: What do you think of the little man that could, Steve Nash from Victoria?

Ken: Steve Nash is amazing. He's everything a basketball player shouldn't be.

Wendi: Really.

Ken: He's short, white, Canadian, floppy hair, but he's a really, really good basketball player. He's making his teammates better. Everybody wants to play with him because he's so good and, you know, he's doing real well in the playoffs right now. Maybe they might win the championship so...

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