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来源:易贤网 阅读:1010 次 日期:2016-12-05 17:16:44

ladies and gentlemen.
thank you for being here.
my topic is how to lose weight.
so many of us are overweight.
so few know how to slim down.
let me share some strategies that work!
forget so-called experts and crazy methods.
forget miracle pills,gadgets and gimmicks.
listen carefully and i'll set you straight!
to lose weight you must start in your mind.
you must make a decision to change.
you must dig deep down and decide you'll do it.
be very determined to work hard.
be disciplined enough to commit.
you must promise yourself not a quit.
write down the reasons you want to lose weight.
write down the goals you want to achieve.
truly convince yourself that you have the power to change.
we all know that dieting is the answer.
we know we are what we eat.
to lose weight we must alter our diet.
eat a low-fat,well-balanced diet.
eat lots of lean meat,fruit and raw vegetables.
most importantly,drink eight large glasses of water every day.
also,downsize your portions.
never snack late at night.
never skip meals or starve yourself!
also,you must exercise to lose weight.
exercise goes hand in hand with dieting.
exercise builds muscle that burns off calories and fat.
work out five times a week for thirty minutes.
work out intensively with interval training.
work out in the morning on an empty stomach for the best results.
do aerobics,like speed walking on one day.
do anaerobics,like weight lifting,the next.
remember,don't eat anything for one hour afterwards.
it is important to remember to be patient.
it takes time to lose weight.
it's not a race but a process of growth.
focus on progress,not perfection.
focus on quality,not quantity.
try to be consistent and stay on track.
don't let friends or family distract you.
don't listen to well-intentioned but incorrect advice.
just follow my plan to succeed.
finally,remember you're not just temporarily losing weight.
you're creating a healthy new lifestyle.
you're creating healthy habits for life.
you're also lowering cholesterol.
you're reducing risks of disease.
you're gaining confidence as you add years to your life.
now,go lose weight and feel graet!
thank you all for listening.
god bless you and have a good day.

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