来源:易贤网 阅读:703 次 日期:2017-04-24 09:48:48


Todd: OK, Adrienne we are going to talk about your family. How many people are in your family?

Adrienne: In my immediate family, there are four of us: my mother, father and my younger sister and I.

Todd: OK, and now do you see each other a lot. I mean, do you get together with your family often?

Adrienne: I see them actually fairly frequently considering we all live very far away from each other.

Todd: Oh, yeah. Where does everyone live?

Adrienne: Well, I live in Tokyo and my mother is living now in Hong Kong and my father lives in Minneapolis and my sister lives in Milwaukee which is not far from Minneapolis but she's a flight attendant, so she's rarely in Milwaukee. She actually flies to the Middle East and Europe mainly.

Todd: Wow. That's pretty cool. You've got this family like everywhere.

Adrienne: It is. It's very funny. We often go online to chat with each other and to say hello and we'll be spread out completely across the globe. It's very funny.

Todd: So, do you actually go and see your mother in Hong Kong, or your sister in the Middle East?

Adrienne: I haven't been to the Middle East. She's never there for long enough to visit, but I have been to Hong Kong several times to see my mom.

Todd: And how as Hong Kong?

Adrienne: Oh, it's a great city. Really interesting city. Lots of water. Obviously it's a harbor city, and mountains and lots of greenery so it's really beautiful for such a big city. It's not completely concrete, like a lot of major cities are.

Todd: Now, we have vacation coming up. Are you going to be going home and seeing any of your family?

Adrienne: I hope so. Yeah, my plan is to go back to America for the holiday and visit everyone there for a couple of weeks. Say hello to my family my grandmothers, my cousins, my sister, my friends, everyone who is there.

Todd: So is everyone going to be there, your mom, your dad, and your sister?

Adrienne: I'm not sure. I'm hoping that everyone can come together for some kind of family reunion. Like I said since we all live so far away.

Todd: Well, I hope you all make it.

Adrienne: Me, too.

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